Mrs. Kanchuree Wongwairatakul scientist of The Center for Scientific and Technological Equipment, Walailak University participated in the annual meeting of the laboratory safety standards network and ready to win.

0-7567-3248-51 The Center for Scientific and Technological Equipment, Walailak University 222 Thai Buri , Tha Sala District , Nakhon Si Thammarat Province 80160 Thailand. Mrs. Kanchuree Wongwairatakul scientist of The Center for Scientific and Technological Equipment, Walailak University participated in the annual meeting of the laboratory safety standards network and ready to win. On … Continue reading Mrs. Kanchuree Wongwairatakul scientist of The Center for Scientific and Technological Equipment, Walailak University participated in the annual meeting of the laboratory safety standards network and ready to win.